Most Expensive Vodka by Leon VerresMost Expensive Vodka called Billionaire Vodka.
Leon Verres has been known for producing luxury goods, including some of the world’s most exclusive and expensive alcoholic beverages. They earlier created the Le’ Billionaire Champagne, which was the world’s most exclusive and expensive version of the beverage, which came dressed in its own designer pouch. The next product in the elite category is the Le Billionaire Vodka, which is going to take the crown for being the most expensive and exclusive beverage of its kind in the world. Similar to the Champagne, this bottle too shall have handcrafted diamond and gold detailing, and come dressed in its tailored designer cover.
The bottle in question will come in two primary versions: the purple hue and the white one. On both sides, the bottle will have 3000 precious diamonds which mainly make it so precious and rather blingy. The fact that most of them have been individually handcrafted especially adds to the exclusivity factor, which also is the case for the Swarovski crystals on the gold labeling - especially the dot on the ‘I’ of billionaire and the ‘B’ itself. Speaking of the Vodka inside, the beverage has been created using an exclusive selection of ingredients which includes the purest of wheat from Russia and water of course. When it comes to the filtering, the Vodka has been undergoing the process over and over again in equipment which had diamond detailing in it to finally lend the unique texture to the beverage. The last part of the packaging, the designer dress also contains detailed craftsmanship in form of white faux fur designs. The reason for not using the real stuff has been Leon Verres’ association with PETA, which he maintains even for his customers.
The bottle of this ‘Diamond-brewed’ Vodka will set its buyer’s back by $3.7 million apiece, which has 5-liters of the beverage. In case a smaller version is preferred, there is a 0.5 liter version which the Vodka connoisseurs could get hold off. On ordering the elite bottle, be prepared to receive a pair of white gloves which is meant for the host to wear while serving the drink, which of course can also be done by the butler if you please. Not much of a connoisseur myself, but will sure wonder about the uniqueness of the diamond bathed Vodka!
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