Flip-flops, or thong sandals, were inspired by traditional Japanese sandals. They were introduced to the Western world via New Zealand in the late 1950s. While most flip-flops are of the cheap, plastic variety, dressier thong sandals are available. The most expensive flip-flops in the world, however, fit neither of those descriptions.
An exclusive product of trendy clothier Electric Couture, the costly sandals are decorated in a rock n roll theme with guitars, winged hearts and the slogans “WILD THING” and “WALK THIS WAY & ROCK.” These flashy flip-flops, created by Crystalishious, are naturally covered in crystals. Of course, it’s the $1,800 price tag that makes them worthy of our attention.
H. Stern
Of course, those aren’t the only expensive flip-flops out there. H. Stern, a jeweler, unveiled a pair of flip-flops in 2004 that sold for $17,000. In fact, if they were sold today, they would most likely sell for even more than the Crystalishious flip-flops. These luxury sandals were made with over 1,500 gold feathers accented with diamonds. Unfortunately, only one pair was ever made. The rest of the line sold for a more pedestrian $2,000 to $3,000.
If you prefer a sportier sandal, though, PechePlatinum’s crocodile flip flops may suit you better. Using patent-pending technology and hand-matched crocodile straps, these shoes guarantee maximal comfort. Furthermore, if your conscience won’t allow you to wear a crocodile skin on your foot, PechePlatinum assures us that selling shoes made of crocodiles and donating 5% of the profits to primate-friendly eco-groups somehow helps both the crocs and the monkeys. At $400, these are the most expensive production flip-flops available.
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