The most expensive iPhone app ever sold was one aptly called “I Am Rich”—one of the first apps to be offered on iTunes. It consisted of a small icon with the subtext “I Am Rich.” Clicking on the icon would fill the screen with a large, ruby red gem on a red and black background. The purpose of this app, as stated in the product description, was to let your friends and acquaintances know that you have a whole lot of money. It also included what the developer, Armin Heinrich, called a “secret mantra” that you could use to stay rich and healthy.
The price for I Am Rich was set at $999.99 before it was pulled from the App Store.
The problem, of course, is that of the eight people who purchased I Am Rich, at least one only clicked “buy” to see what would happen. Imagine his dismay when he discovered that his wife had enabled one-click purchasing (or so he said) and he had just spent $1000 on what he’d thought was a gag.
So Apple pulled the plug on I Am Rich, ending its brief career as the world’s most expensive iPhone app.
Of course, that left room for a new most expensive app—and Lextech Labs were more than happy to fill the void. Rather than sell an app whose sole purpose was to cost a bucketload of cash, though, Lextech Labs’ iRa Pro actually does something.
Intended for security professionals who need to maintain unlimited mobility, Ira Pro allows users to monitor IP-based surveillance equipment. The app interfaces with a video management server to provide that extra sense of security that comes from knowing that you can always check in on whatever it is you’re protecting. I imagine this will be quite popular in casinos.
The most expensive iPhone app on the market sells for $899.99. Another version of iRa, iRa Direct, costs significantly less at $499.99 but only allows direct interface with the cameras rather than a video management server.

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