The story of the last—and loneliest—robot on earth, Wall-E is inspired by Charlie Chaplin, probably the most famous silent comedy actor of all time. His signature character, the Tramp, was featured in many of the films that he wrote, produced, directed and acted for. The Tramp’s final film, Modern Times, is one of the most expensive silent films ever made with its $1.5 million budget.

While Wall-E has only a few speaking parts, even Wall-E’s beeps and clicks would be enough to disqualify it from being considered a silent film. Silent films had no synchronized audio track, a lack for which cinemas compensated by hiring live musicians from lone pianists to entire orchestras.
So what is the absolute most expensive silent film ever made?
Nineteen twenty-five saw the release of Ben-Hur. While you may be more familiar with the 1959 remake, the original film was quite silent. The story of the titular Jew separated from his family by childhood friend and Roman Centurion, Messala, Ben-Hur features a legendary chariot race and at least two appearances by Jesus Christ.

The chariot race in particular is memorable because producer Louis B. Meyer, disappointed with the cautiousness of the actors, offered a $100 prize to the winner in order to get a more action packed sequence. This resulted in a spectacular crash, killing five horses, which made its way into the final cut of the film. Several other horses and even one stuntman were also killed during the filming of the race sequence.
While the exact figure is lost in cinema history, it is thought that the most expensive silent film cost between 4 and 6 million dollars.
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